She is mine. Not yours.

Admiring jean's big butt.
'Deng dai hou sang yong'.
I see... I see..

Queen Of d-Day!
Ms Ju Enn

The puterian sesat-ed when chan wa taking pic. =.=

Which guy shud i choose..?
minnie eenie minnnie mo. .

I am juz a small innocent kid.
Dun bully me.

YES!! it touches.... Are u jealous..?

Hi~ I am Li Wei...
No~ U r not. I am Li Wei..

I can't resist anymore.

Drama take 1

Take 2

Cold war...
Is a guy & gurl thing~

Ohh Myy Gooshhh...
Nthg happen. Coz. .
Ju enn said d toilet was too small. She is struggling.

Don't u ever try to push me away~

At last drama finished,
Mickey & t3ddy manage to reach before all hot till die.

What else other than picture, picture n a bundle of picturesssss...

If there is air-cond, we will b staying 2-3 hrs cam-whoring. ^.<

Inside 3L3M3NTS

Peak of the day~
Ju enn got a DRESS. Is a DRESS!!!
Is a DRESS & i'm gonna to die~~~

Mick3y & Playboy & Kampai & a wide smile~

People who make things happening. ^.^

Chocolate Mirror, u r yummie~

Promoting playboy became mission 2. =.=''

Jeanne & her romantic room!

Ju Enn & her DRESS!

Li Wei & her shorts!

T3ddy & vanilla & froggie as usual..

Mick3y & her heels, shirts, bags..
I am jealous.. heh!

Another jealousy occur! Haizzz..

Kampai promoter..

Those monkies who stay till 6a.m. @.@

FOREVER sexay leng lui~

The 1st to get drunk. *_*

Runner up. :)

Mini kampai nite. hehehehe..
shhh~~ dun tell anyone.

First picture together wif ju enn.

Xiao bao bao
Kuai shui jiao....

Mick3y, Ju 3nn, T3ddy, J3anne, Li W3i
Ohhh.. is a double-decker bus..

Our luagages. And finally reached Seremban.
Oh yeahh..
Goodnite too.
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